China: Covid-19 whistleblower scientist regains lab Access after public protest – The Times of India

Zhang Yongzhen, the Chinese virologist who first published the Covid-19 virus sequence, was allowed back into his laboratory after a prolonged sit-in protest that highlighted the ongoing suppression of scientific research in China. Zhang's determined protest came as a response to his sudden and unexplained eviction from the lab, which had been a critical site for coronavirus research. The ordeal began over the weekend when Zhang and his team were unexpectedly barred from entering their lab at the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center. In an act of resistance, Zhang stationed himself outside the lab, enduring several nights exposed to the elements, including periods of drizzling rain. He and his team displayed banners with messages like Resume normal scientific research work, which quickly captured the public's attention and spurred widespread discussion on social media. The images and stories of Zhangs protest resonated across various platforms, eventually putting pressure on the local authorities to address the situation. By early Wednesday, Zhang announced through a post on Weibo that a "tentative agreement" had been reached with the medical center. This agreement temporarily reinstated his team's access to their lab and initiated negotiations to potentially relocate the lab without disrupting their critical research activities. The Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center had previously justified the lab's closure by citing urgent renovations needed for "safety reasons" and claimed that alternative laboratory space was provided. However, Zhang countered these claims in his statements online, arguing that the alternatives were unsuitable and that the eviction notice was abruptly given without proper justification, reflecting a lack of support and transparency from the institution. This incident is part of a broader pattern of challenges Zhang has faced since he chose to publish the genomic sequence of the virus on January 11, 2020, without waiting for government approval. His actions, though crucial for global Covid-19 research, led to a series of professional setbacks, including being barred from conducting further virus isolation and being removed from a prestigious post at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Despite international recognition and several awards for his groundbreaking work, Zhang's career in China has been marred by governmental interference and restrictions, underscoring the tight control over scientific inquiry, especially regarding sensitive topics like Covid-19. Zhangs struggle and subsequent protest not only illustrate the personal cost of scientific integrity but also reflect the ongoing conflict between scientific advancement and political control in China. (With inputs from agencies)

See the article here:

China: Covid-19 whistleblower scientist regains lab Access after public protest - The Times of India

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