Doctors stress value of COVID-19 vaccine, even with uptick in breakthrough cases –

By Joe Fisher, WRAL reporter

Across the country, as more breakthrough COVID-19 cases are reported, some people still not vaccinated have raised questions about getting the shot.

But doctors said that, yes, getting vaccinated offers significant protection serious illness.

Even with the Delta variant spreading, 92 percent of North Carolina's COVID-19 cases are among the unvaccinated.

We expect this incline to continue rising," said infectious disease expert Dr. Cameron Wolfe, of Duke University.

In Wake County, 2.9 percent of the positive COVID-19 cases between Jan. 23 and July 28 were breakthrough cases. A Wake County spokeswoman said that, while that number could rise, it's lower than the state's percentage of about 6 percent of breakthrough cases.

Even with the more contagious Delta variant, some said they aren't convinced to roll up their sleeves.

"I'd rather just wear my mask, stay safe and continue to social distance," said Raleigh resident Ashley Peterson.

Peterson said she's never gotten a flu shot and doesn't plan on getting a COVID-19 shot.

"You don't really know whats going inside your body," said Peterson.

Peterson said there's nothing someone could tell her that would make her want to get the shot.

"If I don't have to get vaccinated, I am not going to," she added.

Peterson is not alone. In fact, doctors said its the unvaccinated driving the spike in hospitalizations and new cases.

"These are not brand new vaccines. They have, in fact, been built on technology that has evolved and built on science that has evolved over decades," said Wolfe. "That's really important for people to recognize."

Since the start of the pandemic, the virus has claimed the lives of more than 13,000 people in North Carolina.

Just since May, theres been 354 deaths, with only 21 of those individuals being fully vaccinated.

That means the unvaccinated account for 94% of deaths in the last three months.

"The one nice thing about the Delta variant is that the vaccines still work against it," said Dr. David Montefiori, a virologist at Duke University.

Montefiori acknowledged the breakthrough cases, but he said vaccinated people who contract the virus often have much milder symptoms.

Those people are shedding virus, and they are capable of transmitting," said Montefiori. "But they're shedding less virus than a non-vaccinated person, and they're shedding that virus for a shorter period of time.

As the push continues to get shots into arms, Peterson said shes turned off by the mounting pressure.

I dont like the idea of being forced to have to do something or get something. I dont like that," said Peterson.

In Wake County, new cases have shot up 279% since the beginning of June.

Doctors said the big takeaway is that the vaccine is key to preventing hospitalizations and deaths.

Continued here:

Doctors stress value of COVID-19 vaccine, even with uptick in breakthrough cases -

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