IG thot in Georgia contracts monkey pox [WARNING GRAPHIC]

I thought it was a gay disease tho. I love boxden but some of yall disgust me with how homophobic yall are. I swear like two days ago there was a post with a gay man who had monkey pox and yall was joking and insinuating thats what he gets for living his life the way he does. Yall are fu*ked up. I hope this is enough proof to show all of Yall, this aint no gay disease. Dont compare it to AIDS because straight people like Eazy E and Magic got aids.

A lot of yall are despicable because you lack empathy. IDGAF if someone gay or not, the truth is, no one should have to deal with Monkey Pox or any kindof STI/STD/Virus. Btw no im not gay, im a married man and been married for many years to my wife, but I have friends and family members who are gay and I dont want this to happen to any of them. The idea that me or my wife could catch it by touching someones belonging is scary. Its not my business what they do in the bedroom, but some of yall have a whole life dedicated/obsessed to what others do in the bedroom and it really makes me question yall, and yall disgust me.

Anyone can have monkey pox, be careful out there. Slap away insecure imbeciles.


IG thot in Georgia contracts monkey pox [WARNING GRAPHIC]

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