Monkeypox vaccination moving ahead – The Portugal News

Post-exposure vaccination started on July 16 in Portugal,with a total of 437 vaccinated until September 12, 2022, with the DGSdiscussing and reviewing the standard Approach to cases of human infectionwith Monkeypox virus, framework for the administration of reduced doses,according to new guidelines from the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

In the standard the DGS states that the conditions foroperationalization/availability and equity in the management of the limitedstock of vaccines for the approach to preventive vaccination and the respectivedefinition of eligibility criteria are also being updated, in addition to post-exposurevaccination.

The EMA considers that the vaccine authorised in theEuropean Union against Monkeypox can also be administered as an intradermalinjection at a lower dose, allowing the existing doses to be multiplied by fivetimes.

Until now, the vaccine has only been administered to peoplewho have had risky contacts and the objective is to preventively vaccinateother groups that will be defined by the DGS and that may include sex workers,people who undergo PREP - Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis to HIV and healthprofessionals.

With regard to the clinical approach of pregnant womenconfirmed with Monkeypox infection, the DGS states that they must be followedup in a high-risk obstetrics consultation at a differentiated perinatal supporthospital, which involves specific procedures for pregnancy surveillance andfetal monitoring.

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Monkeypox vaccination moving ahead - The Portugal News

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