‘Next pandemic is around the corner – it might be two years…,’ warn experts four years after COVID-19 – Firstpost

A woman walks past a mural depicting a frontline worker amid the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Dublin, Ireland, January 12, 2022. REUTERS

The world has not forgotten horrors of COVID-19 that became a deadly pandemic claiming scores of lives and infecting a large number of population worldwide. As people across the globe grapples to bounce back to normalcy, experts have warned that next pandemic could strike anytime.

There are chances of virus getting transmitted from animal to humans, causing a pandemic again, a report by Sky News quoted infectious disease experts in the UK as saying.

The experts have not specified any timeline of future pandemic, if any, but have exhorted not to let the guards down, the report said.

Preparing for the future: Anticipating another pandemic

Hinting at the possibility of future pandemics, experts warn of the need for vigilance and preparedness.

Factors such as global warming and deforestation increase the likelihood of viral or bacterial outbreaks, underscoring the importance of proactive measures to mitigate risks.

Were creating a situation that is rife for outbreaks, Dr Nathalie MacDermott, clinical lecturer in infectious diseases at Kings College London, was quoted as saying in the report.

I know that COVID was very hard for people and we want to believe we can just go back to normal and I understand that entirely, Dr MacDermott said.

When another pandemic can hit the world

But the next pandemic is around the corner - it might be two years, it could be 20 years, it could be longer - but we cant afford to let our guards down. We need to stay vigilant, prepared and ready to make sacrifices again, Dr MacDermott said.

Why a pandemic again?

Dr MacDermott went on to say that by cutting down trees in the Amazon and parts of Africa, animals and insects are moving closer to homes of people.

Also, with rising temperatures, outbreaks of mosquito and tick-borne viruses such as dengue, chikungunya, and Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) are happening in parts of Europe rarely seen before.

As temperatures increase around the world, even the UK will become an area where its possible for those types of mosquitoes to live, she said.

Lockdown dynamics: Contemplating restrictions & compliance

Whether possible pandemic could lead to lockdown, Dr MacDermott said until the government, scientists and healthcare workers know more about an emerging virus and how it spreads, a lockdown would be inevitable to some degree.

However, the prospect of another lockdown prompts discussions on its potential duration and severity. Experts advocate for investments in mitigating measures such as improved ventilation and rapid vaccine development to minimize the impact of future lockdowns on society.

Navigating uncertainty: Addressing challenges & adaptations

Concerns arise about the feasibility of enforcing lockdown measures and managing societal disruptions. From potential restrictions on socialising to the operation of schools, experts stress on the need for nuanced approaches tailored to specific contexts and community needs.

Learning from experience: Evaluating preparedness & responses

Reflecting on past experiences, policymakers and public health officials stress the importance of learning from mistakes and improving readiness for future health crises. Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic inform discussions on enhancing infrastructure, stockpiling essential supplies, and refining response protocols.

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'Next pandemic is around the corner - it might be two years...,' warn experts four years after COVID-19 - Firstpost

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