Tracing and Sampling to Monitor Covid-19 – The New York Times

To the Editor:

Clearly, no one really knows when local businesses can and should reopen. Thus reopening is somewhat of an experiment in public health.

I suggest that the reopening be considered medical research. Every patron entering any open establishment must sign a consent form both agreeing to participate in the study and granting permission to share his/her identification. There should be a log to sign with his/her identification, home address and telephone number.

We know that it will be imperative to be able to trace contacts of any new Covid-19 patients, and that can be very difficult. With the use of such logs, if any of the customers develop Covid, the public health workers can more easily track down all contacts and test, quarantine and otherwise care for future patients.

Steven M. MarcusMontville, N.J.The writer, a doctor who practiced medical toxicology and public health, is professor emeritus at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School.

To the Editor:

May I respectfully suggest that each one of us maintain a daily diary/journal that details where we went, with whom we interacted, whether or not we were wearing any protective gear, etc.? I have been doing this since March 6, and it only takes about two minutes to write a short paragraph before bedtime.

Its purpose is threefold: One, it is a way to get people invested in solving a problem that affects them and others. Two, the very process itself is an act of mindfulness. And three, if I get the virus, my journal may be helpful to researchers who are trying to trace its origins in my community and identify transmission patterns.

Steven WisensaleEssex, Conn.The writer is professor emeritus of public policy, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences, at the University of Connecticut.

To the Editor:

Re If We Cant Test Everyone for Coronavirus, This Is the Next Best Thing (Op-Ed,, April 24):

I fully agree with Louis Kaplows suggestion that random sampling is the most effective way to assess the U.S. population for Covid-19 if we cant do universal testing. In fact, random community sampling is already being done by Oregon State University in Corvallis, Ore., and we believe that it can be replicated nationwide.

Called TRACE-COVID-19, O.S.U. researchers are collecting up to 960 samples weekly from randomly identified households over four consecutive weekends to measure the prevalence of the virus in the community and determine if its prevalence is changing.

Winning the battle against the novel coronavirus will take science, random population sampling and community partnerships across America, just like whats occurring in Corvallis.

Edward J. RayCorvallis, Ore.The writer is president of Oregon State University.

Original post:

Tracing and Sampling to Monitor Covid-19 - The New York Times

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