Vaccination of poultry against highly pathogenic avian influenza Part 2. Surveillance and mitigation measures – EFSA news

Background to the scientific opinion



Different combinations of testing type, sample type, sample size, and sampling interval across different poultry species created a range of effective active surveillance options for the early detection of HPAI outbreaks during emergency vaccination as well as for demonstrating freedom from disease following preventive vaccination. The surveillance strategy should be selected according to the country's specific circumstances and resources.

In relation to active surveillance for the early detection of HPAI outbreaks in vaccinated farms during emergency vaccination:

For active surveillance to demonstrate freedom from disease in vaccinated areas following preventive vaccination:

Passive surveillance in unvaccinated farms in vaccinated areas is always recommended to enhance the overall sensitivity of the surveillance. During vaccination, passive surveillance is also applied to vaccinated flocks if, for example, an unusual increased mortality is observed between two consecutive sampling events.

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Vaccination of poultry against highly pathogenic avian influenza Part 2. Surveillance and mitigation measures - EFSA news

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